How To Get
From Where You Are
To Where You Want To Be
Apply The Best Practices For Your
Personal Transformation
These practices are all about helping you release the real, authentic you and live the life of your dreams. 
They are not new, sophisticated or complicated.
Time-tested and true, they have consistently helped individuals like you make the transformation from where you are to where you want to be,
But unlike physical growth, these practices are not self-activating.  
In the natural world, growth is normal.
Seeds exist to grow and reproduce.
Look no further than the overwhelming variety of weeds and other vegetation that quickly overwhelm untended lawns and gardens.
Animals in the wild are hardwired to grow and reproduce. Unregulated by predators, including human beings and our negative impact on the environment, many animals grow and reproduce to the point that they become problematic.
Think, for example, of urban wild life such as raccoons, rats and other rodents.

Personal Growth Is A Choice

As humans, our brains provide us with the luxury of more control over our personal growth—and by extension, personal transformation.
Personal growth is general term that typically refers to changes that are more or less permanent, like weight or social maturity. 
Personal growth can be a journey of self-discovery, and it can involve exploring the parts of yourself that make you unique.

Personal Transformation: An Inspired Choice

Transformation represents a more profound shift in our fundamental conditions, like a new mindset or a complete remaking of your value system.
For purposes of this course, personal transformation is a process of self-discovery, breaking free of limiting beliefs, and creating a more meaningful life.
It's a dynamic, individualized process that involves becoming more aware of our self-views and integrating them into a new self-definition.
Prior to our birth, our mothers made the choices about our growth.
Following our birth, any or all of our mothers, parents, family and other caregivers made, or otherwise influenced, the many decisions related to our personal growth.
Typically, as human beings develop and mature, we assume increasing more responsibility for making our own choices about personal growth.
Some of us choose, either intentionally or by default, to adopt and follow the growth model of our parents and family. 
Others choose to follow other growth models, while still others choose to live life on their own terms, growing and their lives however they see fit.

Personalize Your Transformation

As wonderful as it may be to have the choice of our personal transformation, like most good things in life, there is a downside.
Just as transformation is neither natural nor automatic, there is no standard formula or one-size-fits-all magic solution. How could there be?
As individuals, we are all unique. 
No one has the same distinctive combination of skills, resources and experience as you. 
Just because one approach to personal transformation works for one individual, it does not necessarily mean that the same technique would work for you or me.
From my experience, the best approach to personal transformation is to personalize it.
In other words, identify the best personal transformation practices—and then customize these practices to align with that distinctive combination of factors that makes you the unique individual that you really are.
That’s the exact rational behind the Your Transformation Connection.

Video Lessons ... And Beyond 

Twelve short video lessons (about five minutes or less) will introduce some of the best personal transformation practices.
Following each video lesson, focused questions will guide you through the process of customizing these practices in such a manner that they will work for you.
By way of added value, as evergreen content, the video lessons and questions will continue to support your journey of transformation whenever you need a refresher.
In an nutshell, by the end of this course, you will be well positioned to complete the transformation from where you are … to where you want to be.

What You Will Learn

  • Managing Change: identify and control those factors that might interfere with your journey to where you want to be
  • 6 Influencers of Change: identify and control those factors will support and help drive your personal transformation
  • Priority Ps: Passion & Purpose: define your individuality--who you are as an individual 
  • ​Mindfulness Keeps Your Head In the Actionhow to become more mindful
  • Everything is Energy: help keep you focused and on track to becoming the person you want to be
  • Letting Go  & Moving On: identify and let go of limiting beliefs
  • ​Your Vision Of What You Want To Have, Do And Be: clarify your so that you can experience what it will feel like 
  • ​How The Law of Attraction Can Help Generate The Results You Want: imagine how great that will feel
  • ​How To Ask For What You Want: learn and apply the science of asking
  • ​ 7 Sources of Support:  on your own but not alone
  • ​It's About Relationships: how to build and maintain supportive transformational relationships
  • Continuous Improvement: ​learn from your experience—become your best self
"What I like about Larry Easto
is that he is highly authentic and
truly cares about making a difference to his audience."

 Christopher Salem
Life & Business Strategist - World Class Speaker
Award Winning Author

Your Transformation Workbook

The primary purpose of your workbook is to help you customize the best transformational practices from the video lessons … and then apply them for the best results in your situation.
As you work through the workbook questions and exercises, prepare to be surprised and delighted at the exciting new ideas than seemingly come out of nowhere. 
That’s the catalyst effect in action. And what’s even better is that your workbook questions and exercises are evergreen content: they never lose their ability to trigger new ideas for your consideration.
A secondary purpose of your workbook is to provide supplementary content that will enable you to take a deeper dive into nine additional topics.  

Benefits of Your Personal Transformation

As the unique individual that you are, you probably have your own reason or reasons for making the transformation from where you are to where you want to be.
If however, you are interested in personal transformation, but not quite sure about how you might benefit from such a process, here are some benefits that you can expect the journey.

1. Increased Authenticity & Self-Respect

The journey of personal growth includes looking at yourself.
When we start looking at ourselves honestly, invariably we discover things about ourselves that we didn’t know. That’s because listening to our own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, desires and so on plays key role in the process.
This attentive listening is for the purpose of understanding and learning, which is in effect self-awareness. Although many may be uncomfortable with the term, self-awareness simply means being aware of ourselves.
The more you get to know who you really are as an individual, the more authentic you in every action that you take. Similarly, the higher your self-awareness, the higher your self-respect.

2. More Positive Mindsets & Attitudes

Like it or not, our minds can be messy places place. Like dirty diapers, they need to be changed regularly.
Mindsets form attitudes and attitudes drive our lives.
Personal growth help eliminate the mess and confusion of ideas that no longer serve us. As a result, new and better ways of thinking can trigger the best actions for achieving or desired results.
In effect, you become the master of your mind…instead of its slave.
Knowing who we are and what we can do increases our confidence level. 
 Personal growth makes us braver. It empowers us with courage to face the fears that come knocking on our doors.
With increased confidence, you will enjoy heightened personal power which will enable you to apply your inner resources more intentionally as well as more effectively.

3. Clearer Vision & Purpose

Personal growth helps us improve our focus and effectiveness.
It requires us look at things that we may not have noticed before. As a result we become more aware of aspects of our lives such as how far we’ve come, how far we have to go and how much we can help others.
We see and appreciate our true value and genuine potential. As a result, we can discard those attitudes, beliefs and actions that are no longer serving us.
A new and exciting clarity of who you are--and what you are passionate about--will emerge. 
This clarity can, and usually does, spark a calling in your heart; this in turn will lead you to walking your purpose.

4. More Resilience & Versatility

Realistically, life can be challenging. Bad things do in fact happen—even to the best of us.
Sometimes change occurs without either our permission or ability to control.
Those skills that we learn through personal growth and transformation can help us through everyday difficulties and unplanned tragedies.
Personal growth build increases our adaptability, enabling you to survive, even prosper, in new situations or tasks. When something unexpected occurs you will be less likely to freak out.
Having appropriate skills available when you need them, you can bounce back when life throws those lemons or rocks.
Isn’t that a whole lot better than allowing yourself to be ground down or crushed by life?
"I just want to tell the world
that Larry Easto
is a genius!"

Irene Wishart
Real Estate Broker

5. More Effective Action

When we start to get a sense of recognizing what we want, we tend to be more motivated to stay the course towards achieving our desired results.
As we progress on our journey of personal growth, a cascade or snowball effect kicks in.
With minimal effort on our part, one positive change invariably causes another one, and another, and so on.
Seeing what you can become inspires you; once you have effectively managed continuous change you will come to desire even more and better positive results.

6. Healthier Relationships

Relationships with others as well as relationship we have with ourselves all benefit from personal growth. As we learn our own value, we start to recognize the value of others.
We begin to take note of those relationships are mutually beneficial—and start to invest more time, attention and energy in them.
We build others up, while at the same time separating ourselves from relationships that are negative or harmful.

7. More Adventure & Excitement

The journey of personal growth is rich with new opportunities, choices, people, places, thoughts as well as a multitude of other factors.
A positive growth mindset will transform any fears of change into challenges to be overcome and exciting new adventures upon which to embark. This makes the journey exciting.
Developing resilience, versatility and confidence give you strength. Like exercising a muscle, each time you use those benefits to overcome it makes you stronger.

8. Happiness & Peace

The bottom line on personal growth and transformation is that you will experience more happiness and peace.
That is because personal growth and intentional change deal with issues of the heart.
These issues include considerations such as such acceptance, openness, emotional well-being and trust. 
With every step toward your enhanced well-being, you will experience an increase in inner satisfaction. Accepting your authentic self, while working on being the best version of yourself brings peace. 
Knowing you are not perfect yet being at peace with yourself gives a special kind of happiness.

“A credible coach I can contact when in need.
 It's always good to have a kindred spirit …
I appreciate knowing you are out there
reassuring to know you're an email away.”

Gary Brennan
Actor/Writer, Facilitator
Executive Presentation Coach

Your Personal Transformation Journey

Starting with the end in mind, which of the eight benefits of personal transformation (as listed above) appeals to you the most?
Now the fun part: take a few moments to imagine what your life will be like when you have maximized this benefit to the fullest degree possible. How amazing will that feel?
If you have both the time and the inclination, you can repeat the mini-exercise for any or all of the other seven benefits.
While savoring the bliss of your fully maximized benefits, give some thought to what the dollar value of the experience might be. If you can’t come up with an actual dollar amount, the word priceless would work just as well.
Not to throw cold water on your vision, but one final question: how much would you be willing to pay to achieve your priceless experience—as your normal life?
Why am I asking these seemingly impossible questions?
My rationale is to share the challenge that I face in trying to set the fee for this course.
After totally striking out with a thoughtful and analytical method, I resorted to my intuition, which told me that $297 would be a fair and reasonable fee. However appropriate that fee might be for tried and tested program, somehow it just doesn’t seem right for a new course.
Long story short--until 12:00 AM EST, February 24, 2025, the introductory fee will be $148.50, which is half of the projected final fee. After midnight, the fee will be $297. 
Hopefully this reduced fee will encourage you to try the course. If you like it as much as I hope you will, you can tell me what you like about it, so that I can share your experience as part of the marketing. 
On the other hand, if there is something that you don’t like about the course, please tell me so that I can fix it.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

The course comes with a 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee. 
If you aren't satisfied within 90 days of ordering, we will do whatever it takes to satisfy you.
“If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got”
Albert Einstein or
Henry Ford or
Tony Robbins
Realistically, it doesn’t matter who made the comment about doing what you have always done. The message is doing the same things over and over again can lead to boredom, discouragement, and getting stuck in a rut.
Don’t you want something better?
If you want to make the transformation from where you are to where you want to be, now is the best time to start. 
And to get started sooner rather than later, click the green Yes please! Button below.
The sooner you get started on creating the life you want…and no doubt deserve … the sooner you can achieve and enjoy it.
Keep in mind that the half-price introductory fee expires in:
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
After that, the full price of $297 will be in effect.
Not ready for the full 12-lesson course?  
That's fine.   New Beginnings & New Opportunities will help you get started on your personal transformation. That's a new and FREE eBook--check it out.
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