Starting with the end in mind,
which of the eight benefits of personal transformation (as listed above) appeals to you the most?
Now the fun part: take a few moments to imagine what your life will be like when you have maximized this benefit to the fullest degree possible. How amazing will that feel?
If you have both the time and the inclination, you can repeat the mini-exercise for any or all of the other seven benefits.
While savoring the bliss of your fully maximized benefits, give some thought to what the dollar value of the experience might be. If you can’t come up with an actual dollar amount, the word priceless would work just as well.
Not to throw cold water on your vision, but one final question: how much would you be willing to pay to achieve your priceless experience—as your normal life?
Why am I asking these seemingly impossible questions?
My rationale is to share the challenge that I face in trying to set the fee for this course.
After totally striking out with a thoughtful and analytical method, I resorted to my intuition, which told me that $297 would be a fair and reasonable fee. However appropriate that fee might be for tried and tested program, somehow it just doesn’t seem right for a new course.
Long story short--until 12:00 AM EST, February 24, 2025, the introductory fee will be $148.50, which is half of the projected final fee. After midnight, the fee will be $297.
Hopefully this reduced fee will encourage you to try the course. If you like it as much as I hope you will, you can tell me what you like about it, so that I can share your experience as part of the marketing.
On the other hand, if there is something that you don’t like about the course, please tell me so that I can fix it.